Two Billion Eyes USA, Inc. has formed as a tax-exempt 501(c)3 to facilitate contributions of all kinds (& all sizes) to bring good vision, training, productivity to billions!
We are truly blessed to have many individuals, companies and nonprofits supporting the TwoBillionEyes vision through in-kind donations of time and expertise. We wish to express our gratitude to all these supporters and one small token is by showcasing their logos on this page which will be updated regularly.
Bijan developed this toolkit to make it possible to provide attractive glasses anywhere in 10 minutes. Watch this video to see the simple and elegant solution.
550 truck drivers in Kenya received eye tests by 8 previously unemployed youth, trained by Vijana Reloaded. 14% of drivers received glasses, improving their eyesight and their overall road safety as a result.
Vijana Reloaded Kenya ( is a social business with the purpose to create youth employment in Kenya, through training youth in entrepreneurship and offering them ‘ready-to-go’ business opportunities. Partnering with Twobillioneyes (head quarters in the Netherlands, who has developed ICT-based technology.
A million children and adults don't see well.
They want to read, play, learn and work.
Glasses are too expensive for many. Oftentimes, the closest optician is miles away.
After years of research, TWO BILLION EYES found a solution to provide glasses for everybody. They developed a toolkit to assemble a pair of glasses on the spot. Locals are trained to be able to take eye tests and assemble frames with the right glasses using the toolkit.
CRMoptics provides its software to TWO BILLION EYES and helps making the world a little better looking for all.
Two Billion Eyes USA, Inc is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. Copyright © 2023 Two Billion Eyes USA, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
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